What message does this short story then hold for the audience of today?

High School English

The following questions ask you to make inferences about “The King of Beasts”. This exercise is worth.

(i) Answer questions 1 to 5, explaining what lead you to reach each answer
(2 marks each).
(ii) Answer the follow-up question at the end of this section (5 marks).

1. What was the cause of the extinction of a great many animals?

2. When is this story taking place?

3. According to the biologist, what is more dangerous: tigers or humans?

4. Why is the biologist only allowed to grow one of the last specimens?

5. Are the characters in the story human?

Answer the following question in approximately 150 words.

6. The author of this short story has made an extrapolation from human actions of our past and present in order to show the future result of these actions. Discuss what supporting evidence he has to make his prediction. What message does this short story then hold for the audience of today?