What are the mandatory supporting documents that will be required for the Dental Surgery planning application ?

HNC – Construction & The Built Environment – Unit 5 Legal & Statutory Responsibilities in Construction

Section 1: Client questions:

Using the internal room dimensions shown above calculate the total internal floor area of the proposed building.

Looking at the building type and size, what type of planning consent is required for the Pets Grooming Parlour ?

What would be the building category for the Dental Surgery under the ‘Use Classes’ as defined within

What are the mandatory supporting documents that will be required for the Dental Surgery planning application ?

Provide a written explanation of the planning application process, the agencies involved and how planning decisions are made and appeals are monitored and processed.

Provide a further written analysis of the role of planning systems and agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.

Section 1 of your report will address the following Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LO1: P1, P2, M1

Section 2: Public questions

Provide a list of Building Regulations that you consider will be applicable to the Dental Surgery Project?

Provide an explanation of the key legislation and agencies in the building control process, what would be their role in the Dental Surgery project ?

Provide an explanation of the importance and the method by which building control decisions are determined and the processes which are available to appeal and monitor them.

Look at Approved Document B – Fire Safety, link below. Provide an analysis of the application of different fire safety systems and protections for buildings up to 5m, 5m to 18m, 18m to 30m and buildings higher than 30m.

Provide a further analysis of the application of building regulations in low and medium rise residential and commercial buildings.

Provide an evaluation on what the impact of planning systems and building regulations agencies have had in managing the development of land and buildings.

Section 2 of your report will address the following Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria: LO2: P3, P4, M2 & D1

Section 3: Main contractor questions

The proposed site for the Dental Surgery is adjacent to another site with an office building and the retail park – why might this cause particular problems on site with regard to the laws of trespass , nuisance, occupiers liability and vicarious liability . What could the Contractor do to mitigate these potential problems on the site?

Produce a plan for the Contractor to manage the legal impacts of a large urban warehouse type retail development which would include a larger version of the Dental Surgery.

Present a strategy to address the legal and statutory issues associated with the sale of a large urban construction site. use the scenario/case study of the dental surgery to support your answer.