Discuss any differences between the capital structures of the firms based in the United States versus those of the foreign companies in your portfolio.

Unit VIII Final Project of All Work of Short-Term Asset and Liability Management
In a separate Word document, respond to the prompts below.
Discuss any differences between the capital structures of the firms based in the United States versus those of the foreign companies in your portfolio.
Do any of the companies in your portfolio have bonds issued in a currency different from their home country? Explain the risks involved with this practice.
How are the companies you have chosen for your portfolio affected by trade-related finance services?
Why might the MNCs in your portfolio consider short-term financing from their subsidiaries?
How did your portfolio perform over time? Why do you think your portfolio value increased or decreased during the time you were invested in the stocks? Was it because of the markets where your firms do business or because of firm-specific conditions? Explain in detail.