What do you think are the most important social skills in our society-How would you begin to teach them to infants-toddlers?

Ch 10 and 11 acitivity

Ch 10

Review your definition of attachment. What role does it play in emotional development?

How does knowing about temperament help you interact more effectively with very

young children? How might you encourage resiliency?

How would you help calm a fearful eight-month-old infant? How would your behavior change if a two-year-old was fearful?

How would you help a toddler cope with anger? Describe a recent experience with an angry toddler and what you did in response.

Ch 11

What do you think are the most important social skills in our society? How would you begin to teach them to infants and toddlers?

Discuss what “guidance” and “discipline” mean to you. How would your guidance approach differ when caring for infants versus when caring for toddlers?

Why do you think teaching prosocial skills to young children is a significant part of early curriculum today?