What is the significance of freedom in the story? How does the author portray this idea?

Week 5 discussion questions

The Storm” (1898) — Discussion Questions:

Discuss the way in which the storm imagery works in this story?.
Discuss the relationship between Calixta and Alcee. …
Calixta is married: why does she do this? .
Why is Clarisse happy at the end of the story? .
What is the central idea or theme?

Discussion Questions for “Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin

What is the significance of Mrs. Mallard’s “heart trouble”?
What is the significance of freedom in the story? How does the author portray this idea?
Describe Mrs. Mallard’s reaction to the death of her husband. Why do you think she feels this way?
What does Richards represent in the story?
What does Josephine represent in the story?
What view of marriage is portrayed in the story? Can this view still apply today?
Describe Mrs. Mallard’s journey in the story.

The Cult of a True Woman

1. List and briefly describe the four (4) virtues of a true woman.

2. Explain the role of religion in a woman’s life.

3. How was purity connected to femininity?

4. How did novels, stories and magazines reinforce purity?

5. Why was submissiveness the most feminine of the virtues?

6. How was the home a moral refuge for the family?

7. How was domesticity connected to nursing?

8. How was housework connected to domesticity?

9. What kinds of education should a True Woman receive?

10. Why was marriage beneficial for the True Woman?

A White Heron


Why do you think Sylvia never becomes comfortable in the city?
Is the hunter a good guy? Why or why not?
Is Mrs. Tilley happy with her current life? Why or why not?
Would Sylvia’s life have been better if she had taken the hunter’s deal?
What would you have done if you were in Sylvia’s shoes? Explain your ans