What is the difference between the glomerulus and the Bowman’s capsule-Together, what is their function?

Histology Workshop Report

Section 1: Red Blood Cells (RBC)

Write a short description of red blood cells regarding their function. Aim to write this within 100 words.

Section 2: Kidneys

Write a short description of the kidney and nephron regarding their structures and function. What is the difference between the glomerulus and the Bowman’s capsule? Together, what is their function? Where is the maculadensa located and what is its function? Aim to write this within 100 words.

Section 3: Lungs

Write a short description of the lung regarding their structures and relate them to the function. The sections of lungs are full of gaps, and can often look “messy”. What are these gaps? And what is it that surrounds the “gaps”? (i.e. delineates them)? How can you tell what it is that surroundsthe gaps (or, put another way: what structure within the things that surrounds the gaps tells you what these “things” are?) Aim to write this within 100 words.

Section 4: Pancreas

Write a short description of the pancreas regarding their cell arrangement of acinar cells and cells of islets of Langerhans. Can you spot islets of Langerhans? How are the islets cells stained compared to those acinar cells? What is the staining reagent and what does it bind to? Aim to write this within 100 words.

Section 5: Staining reagents

What is the most common stain used for these slides? What is the basis for how this stain works? What sort of structures in the tissues do not stain so well with this stain? Aim to write this within 100 words.