Briefly share any new career paths you were unaware of prior to this class and your overall impression.

It’s about hospitality

Hospitality as a Career Path

Have you gained insight about hospitality this semester that has helped you decide about pursuing a career in hospitality? What has been most impactful in this decision and why?

Briefly share any new career paths you were unaware of prior to this class and your overall impression.
Was there anything surprising to you as you’ve gained insight into an introduction into hospitality?
If you have decided to move forward in pursuing a career in hospitality, what segment(s) do you have the most interest in pursuing and why? What segment(s) do you have zero to little interest in pursuing and why? Do you feel gaining some experience in this/these segments could help you in your overall career endeavors? Why? Why not?

If you decided not to move forward in pursuing a career in hospitality, why? Would you see any value in gaining some experience in hospitality to help compliment other desired career paths?
Introduction Class
Share your overall impression of the Introduction into Hospitality Course and compare them to your expectations (please also share what were your original expectations).
Would you like the concept of “experiential learning” to be implemented in future Hospitality Management Classes? “Experiential learning” is referencing different aspects including but not limited to speed networking, hospitality tours and guest speakers. If so, please share feedback as well as prospective ideas.
Share the overall value of our virtual speakers.Explain.
Was there additional value in inviting Hospitality Management Alumni?Explain.
What guest speaker(s) stood out and why?
Share the overall value and relevancy of networking assignments and activities. Explain.
What were the most impactful aspects of the course and why?
What would you recommend doing different in the course and why?
Share general feedback (both positive and any constructive criticism).
Hospitality Management Program
What is your overall impression of the Hospitality Management Program as it pertains to being the right fit for you (as a major or a minor)? How did you form these impressions?
What are most appealing aspects of program for your interests? Why?
What are least appealing aspects of program for your interest? Why?
Do you intent on taking additional classes in our program?
Is there any additional information you would like to share?
Wrap Up
Did this class impact your:
Academic career path?explain.Professional career path? explain.
Would you recommend this course to future students?
If so, might you be willing to share a testimonial (2-3 sentences) at a later date?
If so, what are ways and outlets to promote this course?If not please explain why