Explain effective curriculum-teaching strategies that promote children’s social-emotional competence.

Ecef ch 14-16

Chapter 14 & 15:
Teaching children to live in a democratic society is about teaching them to regulate their own emotions and interact with others in positive and acceptable ways. With that in mind, answer the following questions:
1. Explain effective curriculum and teaching strategies that promote children’s social and emotional competence.

2. Read, “Including All Children: Fostering Friendships in the Inclusive Classroom ” on pg. 505 and explain the importance of friendships, as well as the strategies teachers, can use to facilitate social relationships in inclusive settings.

3. Explain social studies and effective social studies curriculum and teaching.

Ch. 15 – Physical Development and Health
4. Describe health and safety standards for early childhood programs.

Ch. 16 – Putting it All Together
1. Look at the “Considerations for Teachers” for each age group and decide which group you would like to work with most and least. Explain your reasoning.

2. Explain what it means to be an advocate and what you will do to fulfill the role of a professional educator of young children.