How well do you think you express your ideas through writing?-What are your strengths?-What are your weaknesses?

Consider who you were as a write in September and who you are as a writer now in December, three months and many assignments later.

To help you reflect, respond to the following 4 questions in a loose essay form:

1. How well do you think you express your ideas through writing?What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses?

2. What kind of writer are you? What do you think is your writing style?
Have fun. Compare yourself to an animal or a color or the weather or a person or think of another way to describe your writing style.

3. Describe your unique drafting process. What exactly do you do? How do you draft, move from draft 1 to draft 2. What are your plans for draft 3?

4. What surprised you about your writing this semester? What disappointed you?

Encourage you to be creative What sound do your fingers make on the keyboard as you type? What color ink do you use to freewrite or annotate? What sounds occur around you when you try to write–is it a loud kitchen full of bustle and voices, a quiet bedroom with blue flowered wallpaper, or what? Use details and narrative to tell your story as a writer.