Identify the specific research design discussed by Hark (2019) that your chosen article/study employed.


Choose one article from Blackboard and read and answer the following questions:

Research Purpose and Overview

1. What was the purpose of the study?
2. What were the study research questions?
3. What theory(ies) informed the research?

Methods and Research

4. Identify the research method (qualitative or quantitative) used in this study.
5. Identify the specific research design discussed by Hark (2019) that your chosen article/study employed.
6. What were the data collection methods employed?

Findings, Discussion, and Future Research

7. What analyses did the researcher(s) use to analyze the data?
8. What were the main research findings?
9. Were limitations to the study identified? If so, explain them.
10. Do the author(s) make suggestions for future research? If so, identify.