What impact will it have on your life?-How has this skill negatively impacted your life-held you back in the past?


Choose two of the communication and counselling skills listed below. For each skill:
Assess yourself on this skill. You can use a scale of 110 if you would like.Give examples from your life that support your rating (Why are you above a 0? Below a 10?) If applicable, reflect on your discoveries in weekly activity 2.
Describe a time when you showed high levels of this skill. Be specific and give details.

Describe a time when you showed low levels of this skill.Be specific and give details.

Discuss why you would like to improve upon this skill. What impact will it have on your life? How has this skill negatively impacted your life or held you back in the past?

How does your personality impact the expression of this skill? Refer back to your weekly activity 3