What was your writing (and your perception of writing) like when you first began the semester?

Final essay reflection

The following generative questions and activities are a good place to start. (Note: You are not expected to answer all of these questions in your essay; in fact, doing so would lead to a very unfocused essay. However, you can use any or all of these questions to help you get going. Once you have some initial ideas, make decisions about how you focus the final essay.):

What was your writing (and your perception of writing) like when you first began the semester? How has your writing (and your perception of writing) changed? Look over your previous assignments; what growth or development do you see?

What were the most memorable moments in this class? Which assignments were the most challenging? Which were the most rewarding or engaging? Which reading or writing assignments do you think with “stick with” you?

Review the Learning Outcomes for this course. How has this this class helped you to achieve these outcomes? In which areas have you progressed the most? Which areas still need some work?