What were some key issues at stake in the effort-What were some of the effort’s successes and failures?

Political science

For material presented in the course, you should provide the author’s last name and the publication date. The Works Cited page should then have a full reference to the works you reference in your responses. The full reference for the Beyond Intractability essays should include links to the essays that you reference. You are not required to consult outside sources, but you may draw on outside sources if you cite them appropriately. You will not be able to answer Prompts 1-3 effectively without drawing on class readings.

Prompt 1: Peacemaking, Track I (300-400 words)

What is Track I diplomacy? What does it take for a Track I Diplomacy effort to be successful? What are some common limitations of Track I Diplomacy? Also, describe a Track I Diplomacy effort in Cyprus, Rwanda, or Northern Ireland. What were some key issues at stake in the effort? What were some of the effort’s successes and failures?

Prompt 2: Peacemaking, Track II/III (300-400 words)

What is Track II/III Diplomacy? What does it take for a Track II/III Diplomacy effort to be successful? What are some common limitations of Track II/III Diplomacy efforts?

Also watch one of the following videos describing a Track II/III Diplomacy effort in the Northern Ireland, Rwanda, and Cyprus conflict cases:

Cyprus (

Rwanda (

Northern Ireland (

What do you think the Track II/III effort accomplishes? What can the sample Track II/III effort accomplish that Track I Diplomacy cannot accomplish? (If you’re writing about the Northern Ireland conflict, then you can focus on any of the Track II/III efforts described in the video).

Prompt 3: Reconciliation in Northern Ireland (300-400 words)

What is reconciliation? What is necessary to achieve reconciliation? Why is the reconciliation process often challenging? What are some impediments to reconciliation in the Northern Ireland conflict? What do you think it would take to reconcile parties to the Northern Ireland conflict?

Prompt 4: Summative Reflection (300-500 words)

Every individual, group, and society experiences conflict. However, conflicts vary considerably in their degree of intractability. Why do you think some conflicts become intractable, while others are easily managed and resolved? What can individuals do to prevent conflicts from becoming intractable, and what can individuals do to resolve conflicts once they have become intractable? What does it take to move conflicts beyond intractability? In your response please present examples from the inter-group conflict cases we’ve explored in this course: United States (Democrats vs Republicans), Cyprus, Rwanda, Northern Ireland. You do not need to present examples from all of these cases, but you should present examples from at least one of them.