How can the assumptions we make about social groups unconsciously influence our attitudes, language-actions in subtle ways?

7-2 Project Two

Describe the socio-psychological implications of implicit bias on our ability to view others through a DEI lens. Address the following in your response:

How can the assumptions we make about social groups unconsciously influence our attitudes, language, and actions in subtle ways?

Given the shift from unconscious to conscious perception, describe how an implicit bias could become an explicit bias.

Given the notion of bias as a learned construct, describe what you believe is the most effective step that a person could take to unlearn bias.

Describe the socio-psychological implications of stereotype threat on our ability to view others through a DEI lens. Address the following in your response:

What are the factors that could place a person at risk of confirming a negative stereotype about their own social group?

If your group suffers from a negative stereotype, what are the implications of this judgment on psychosocial well-being?

Assuming that biases and stereotypes are defined by values, what are some useful strategies for reducing stereotype threat?

Describe how cultivating a growth mindset can help to reduce biased, stereotypical thinking and promote DEI. Address the following in your response:

In what ways can a growth mindset help us to become aware of our implicit biases?

How can a growth mindset help us to reduce stereotypical thinking?

Assuming that people can be influenced to change their minds, what are some practical strategies for shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset?