What are the current consumer attitudes towards consuming smoothies-how they can be improved ( increased) ?


What is the most effective promotional strategy that will help Smoofii gain better customer outreach?

How can the customer loyalty of Smoofii’s current target audience be maintained?

What are the current consumer attitudes towards consuming smoothies and how they can be improved ( increased) ?

Interview Questions

When food/drink shopping, how important to you is it for a product to be 100% natural?

How important is being eco-friendly to you?

How interested are you in the nutritional value of a food/drink before making a purchase?

In your daily life do you consume smoothies?

If yes, How often do you drink smoothies?

If no, what’s stopping you from drinking them?

While you are consuming smoothies, which aspects are the most important to you? (health benefits, taste, price, etc.) Could you discuss?Why?

What flavours (fruit/vegetable/nuts/etc.) do you prefer in your smoothies?

How do you feel about pre-made smoothies?

Do you have a blender in your kitchen?

If yes, how often do you use it?

If no, how likely are you to buy one?

Do you prefer going out to drink a smoothie or would prefer for it to be delivered to your house instead?


Have you ever heard about the brand Smoofii?

If yes, have you ever purchased a smoothie from them before?

If yes, are you a regular customer?