How were these groups able to defeat the Muslim empires-How did Muslim society respond to these forces?

Islamic religions and cutures

Essay Question 1:
During the medieval period, Muslim empires were conquered by successive waves of invaders from the east and the west, including Turks, Crusaders, and Mongols. How were these groups able to defeat the Muslim empires? How did Muslim society respond to these forces?

Essay Question 2:
In the medieval period and after, masses of people began converting to Islam in places as farflung as West Africa, the Swahili coast, Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and West Asia/North Africa. Describe the process that led to mass conversions. How did Islam change as it spread in Asia and Africa? Give at least two specific examples to support your arguments.

Essay Question 3:
Beginning in the 1500s and continuing until the 20th century, European colonial empires dominated much of the Muslim World. What is European colonialism and how did it impact the Muslim World? Give at least two specific impacts of colonialism and how it affected Muslims at different places and times.

Essay Question 4:
What is Islamic Revivalism and why is it popular with Muslims in the modern period? Cite examples of at least two specific revivalist movements to illustrate your answer