Do things like racism, sexism-corporate control undermine the coherence of the system-What theories inform your argument?

Answer the following question: 4-6 typed, double spaced pages.

1. Is the criminal justice system truly a system? Why or why not? Are all of its policies coherent? Do things like racism, sexism, and corporate control undermine the coherence of the system? What theories inform your argument?

In answering this question, address the following themes: Are all levels of the system equally influenced by welfare liberalism, neo-liberalism and the new penology, or are there important differences between the police, courts and corrections on these issues?

Overall, has the system as a whole been moving more in one direction or the other, with respect to welfare liberalism, neo-liberalism and the new penology?

Do all agencies – the police, courts and corrections – seek to achieve similar official aims, for all types of people (adults and youths, men and women, racialised minorities)?

Do any unofficial or unethical practices undermine the coherence of the “system” (e.g., racism, sexism, classism)?

Section One: Trends in Policing (/10)

Section Two: Trends in Courts/Sentencing (/10)

Section Three: Trends in Corrections (/10)

Section Four (/10): How does all of this fit together? Is the system working better for some people (youth, adults, the powerful) and worse for others (racialized, the poor, gendered and sexualized)? What are some of the most troubling trends, and what should we do about them (tell me what theory is informing your suggestions for solutions).