What’s is the non-benefits of Service-Learning Pull Out Program for elementary Gifted students?

Gifted Education Pull Out Program for Gifted Elementary Students: focused on Services Learning for Developing Leadership Ability in Asia

Part of the research questions:

a. What’s is the benefits of Service-Learning Pull Out Program for elementary Gifted students?
b. What’s is the non-benefits of Service-Learning Pull Out Program for elementary Gifted students?
c. Will the Service-Learning pull out program become a model of Leadership trainings for elementary Gifted students?


Focus on the recent Asians researches and journals from Mainland China, Taiwan, Singapore, Macau, Hong Kong, Japan ,Malaysia and India etc. (I have finished the
Western research and journal’s part)
2. There is NO need to give definitions or Theory of Gifted education. (I have finished this part already.)
3.Focus on the definitions of :
a. Pull Out Program for Gifted students.
b. Service Learning for elementary Gifted students
c. Leadership trainings for elementary Gifted students