What unique qualities do you bring to a team in terms of your personality characteristics and quirks?

Assignment Instruction
Part 1:

1. Watch Emily Eldrige’s TEDx Talk, “Why Collaboration is an
Individual Effort”.

Write a list of the messages that Emily shares in her talk. Submit the
list along with the Memo (see below)
Part 2:

Write an informational Memo to your project team (To: Project Team).
The purpose of this
memo is to provide your team with information about yourself as a team member. Write the answers in paragraph format.Your memo should answer the following questions:

1. What unique qualities do you bring to a team in terms of your personality characteristics and quirks?

2. What formal role do you normally like to take on in a team? Why?

3. What informal role do you normally like to take on in a team? Why?

4. What do you most like about working in a team?

5. What do you like least about working in a team?

6. How do you overcome conflict when working in a team?

7. What do you consider the two most important qualities in a fellow team member?
8. What are four guidelines or rules you would like to see implemented in your team contract?