Explain in your own words what Palmer meant in the film-whether or not we (society, human race) agree-disagree with him on this.

Technology and the Movie “Contact”

A major theme in the film Contact is technology.Palmer Joss asks, “ Are we happier as a human race as a result of technology?” He goes on to say, “We have lost our sense of direction as a result of buying things at the mall, accumulating material goods, yet we feel empty inside than ever before.”

Explain in your own words what Palmer meant in the film and whether or not we (society, human race) agree or disagree with him on this.

Support your answers with how we are living and portions of the film.

Need 2 full pages double spaced, no more no less, 12 font Times New Roman.Needs  topic statement as it’s last sentence in introduction.Each Main Point in body needs an example/detail/explanation.