What other kinds of discrimination do you think are problematic in today’s workplace?

Discussion board

9:45 Assignment Overview Unit 3 – Discussion Board III 5G

• Workplace discrimination takes many different forms, including the following:
• Unfair discipline

• Wrongful termination

• Use of policies that have a negative impact on a specific person or group
Review this article from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Web site to learn more about different kinds of workplace discrimination.

Consider the following scenario: Dez has been employed with Global Media as an advertising executive for the past 35 years. He has consistently received above average performance reviews. He has also served in a variety of managerial roles.

Global Media recently decided to expand its social media marketing department. Dez is determined to join this new and exciting company venture. Dez applies for the position and is given an interview. However, he learns 1 week later that he did not get the job. It was given to a younger applicant without any advertising experience.

Dez went to the hiring manager and asked why he was not more seriously considered. The hiring manager told Dez that he was concerned about his technological skills. He mentions that he finds older workers difficult to train in this area because they have established habits that are hard to break.
Answer the following questions:
• How would you feel if you were Dez in this scenario?

• What other kinds of discrimination do you think are problematic in today’s workplace?
U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). (n.d.). Discrimination by type. https://www.eeoc.gov/discrimination-type
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