Who was Marie Curie-How far away is London from New York City-what type of thinking would be being assessed?

Life Span Development: Quiz 6

Development in Middle to Late Childhood

Marshall writes very slowly and his handwriting is virtually illegible. He also makes numerous spelling errors because of his inability to match up sounds and letters. Which of the following conditions does Marshall suffer from?

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder




Jared was taken to the doctor by his parents who were concerned by his seeming lack of attachment to those around him. He barely spoke or interacted with other kids at school. Jared hardly spoke at all and spent all day preoccupied with bouncing his ball off a wall repeatedly. After a thorough investigation, his pediatrician diagnosed him with.

Inclusion Disorder


autistic disorder

ICF syndrome

In terms of self-understanding, children in late childhood are MORE likely than children in early childhood to:

compare themselves with others.

refrain from social comparison.

use physical characteristics to describe themselves.

use words that describe temperature to describe themselves.

The increased capacity for self-regulation that is seen in middle and late childhood is linked to developmental advances in the:

brain’s hypothalamus.


brain’s prefrontal cortex.

occipital lobe

If Dr. J was to ask a a 10-year-old student questions requiring a verbal response like: “Who was Marie Curie? Or How far away is London from New York City?”, what type of thinking would be being assessed?


creative thinking

divergent thinking

convergent thinking