What is the importance here-You also say the adults with 18 yr-olds were compared to the rest of the sample-What is the rest of the sample-what sample-what study?

The Mental Health of Families During Covid-19

You wrote, “The effect of the COVID19 epidemic on mental health is defined in this study. ” Which study are you referring to?In the next sentence you wrote,”mental health impacts of the COVID19 pandemic were studied using a nationally representative cross-sectional survey”, is this the same study? You go on to mention the number of adults, then the number of 18 yr-olds, which are considered adults. What is the importance here? You also say the adults with 18 yr-olds were compared to the rest of the sample. What is the rest of the sample, what sample, and what study?

You also wrote, “Based on the research findings, the study aims to determine a link between the coronavirus pandemic’s social, economic, and economic repercussions on people’s mental health.” Again, which study are you referring to? Is it a study you are using as background for the study you designed?

In paragraph two you wrote, “The target audience is American families, and the sample size is 1,000 people, each of whom is a family member.” The target audience for what?

Please be cognizant of using terms like ” it and this” in sentences where “it” has not been defined. Proofread your submission and clarify all of the ambiguous terms.

“Acknowledged in this report.”

” According to this study, the pandemic has taken a toll”

“Mental health is defined in this study.”

There is a good flow in your submission.