Which communication medium will you use to convey the message most appropriately-reliably?

BC Two Post

Part 1 (Image attached)

Although conflict is a normal part of every workplace, if unresolved, it can create hard feelings and reduce productivity.
Your Task. Analyze the following scenarios. In at least 350 words state how you will respond to these conflicts. Your response should address the following:
How will you resolve the dispute?
How will you communicate, orally or in writing?
Which communication medium will you use to convey the message most
appropriately and reliably?
Your choices can include e-mail, a letter, a report, texting, instant messaging, a telephone call, a live chat, teleconferencing, a face-to-face conversation, and a team meeting. Consult the media richness diagram in Figure 11.2, to consider how rich the medium must be in each communication situation. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of your choice.

Scenario 1. Two of your management team members disagree on a new company social media policy. James wants to ban personal visits to Facebook and Twitter totally. Chelsea thinks that an outright ban is impossible to implement and might raise the ire of employees. She is more concerned with limiting Internet misuse, including visits to online games, pornography, and shopping sites. The management team members agree that they need a social media policy, but they disagree on what to allow and what to prohibit. Both management team members report directly to you.

Scenario 2. Hot-headed manager Pete loudly confronted Bryana in her cubicle within earshot of staff. Bryana had requested time off as an important deadline was looming, and the project was already late. Bryana complained to you about Pete’s behavior, since Pete reports directly

Part 2

In at least 300 words, discuss cross-cultural communication differences in global businesses. Your post should address how culture influences communication and the use of social media and communication technology in business.