Would any special instructions need to be given before visiting your destination?

Biome Project

In this project you will create a travel brochure advertising travel to a biome of your choice.  The brochure page needs to be unique and creative and must include:

Pick a specific area with at least 3 stops.

Show and tell where the location is using a map

Modes of transportation to get there AND used once you are there. (Keep topography in mind; will you need a snowmobile, can you walking around or ride a dune buggy, can you only get there by boat??)

Where will you stay?

Advertising strategies/ Selling points (Why would someone want to go there? How are you going to attract travelers? What else is there to do?)

Plant and Animals that are unique to your biome (give at least 8 of each)

Information about climate: temperature, rainfall- suggesting the weather for certain months and therefore best time to travel… what is the climate like in different months?)

Would any special instructions need to be given before visiting your destination? I.E. vaccines for regional diseases/illness, bottled water, money, safety concerns, danger from natural disasters that occur at specific times of year?

List the cost of the trip. Make up a reasonable price!

Include at least six photos, drawings or other types of artwork that help describe and promote your biome vacation spot. All photos must have captions along with source info (photographer/publisher and copyright date or url).

Include interesting or unusual facts that tourists may not know about.

The brochure should be informational and convince potential tourists to spend money on your trip Try moving your blocks around to make the page attractive.

Other ideas for your brochure:

Ecological issues or concerns

Human impacts

Types of foods

Landforms, bodies of water (or lack of), etc.

Make sure to cite your sources.  This should be in a separate block at the end of your page.