Which of the theories below is most consistent with Jonathan’s conceptions of what the aging process is all about?

Life Span Development

Winter Session of 2022 – Late Adulthood – Quiz 10

When Jonathan gets old, he intends to slow down, stop going to work and spend more of his time resting and relaxing. In short, he plans to sit back and enjoy the good life by idling down considerably. Most of his time is spent with his children and grandchildren having fun and relaxing on the beach. He has kind of eliminated other hobbies and less central friendships in his life. Which of the theories below is most consistent with Jonathan’s conceptions of what the aging process is all about?

Life review theory

Activity theory

Use it or lose it theory

Socioemotional selectivity theory

82-year old Luis has some degree of difficulty managing his weekly schedule. He has found himself forgetting a lot of things, especially doctor’s appointments and meetings with friends and family. He feels frustrated by his memory lapses and his family is concerned that he could be displaying early signs of Alzheimer’s disease. Which type of memory is Luis having problems with?





Ryan, a 60-year-old male, has been suffering with some concerning symptoms over the last year. Gradually, he has experienced muscle twitching in his legs, slowing of motor movements, and has just generally become increasingly more reserved. In fact, he seems rather depressed. Not surprisingly, with this gradual onset, Luke went to the doctor and was sadly diagnosed with what condition?

Parkinson’s Disease

Alzheimer’s Disease


Major Depressive Disorder Only

Which of the following statements about late adulthood is NOT TRUE?

Industry versus despair is of central importance in late adulthood

Lung functioning diminishes in late adulthood even for those who don’t smoke

Aerobic exercise should not be pursued due to the increased risk of heart attack

People shrink in late adulthood due to bone density loss

Which two terms below are synonyms, or words that mean the same thing? In making your choice, be sure to consider that  want you to choose the words that also define types of intelligence that tend to decrease throughout middle adulthood and late adulthood?

Fluid intelligence, cognitive pragmatics

Fluid intelligence; cognitive mechanics

Crystallized intelligence; cognitive pragmatics

Crystallized intelligence; cognitive mechanics