How did the Thirty Years’ War begin as a religious war in Germany and end as an international struggle?

EXAM 3- May cover chapters 9 through 15


For each response must be 200 words. you must cite page numbers from the assigned textbook from where you found your information. 1 quote required for each essay response

You must paraphrase multiple times in both questions from the textbook and cite after each paraphrase the page number you found it from. Example (Backman 181).

Even if you don’t exactly paraphrase after a sentence that you found information from the text just cite the page number you got the information from.

This is an example paragraph for a question with citations and paraphrases:

The Peace of Paris was the official treaty that ended World War one. The Peace of Paris was enacted in 1919, and consisted of five separate smaller treaties, one for each of the central powers (Backman, 875). The most prominent of the five treaties, the Treaty of Versailles, was made with Germany and is often confused with the entire peace settlement, the Peace of Paris. The treaty of Versailles was in essence a list of punishments that France unflinchingly insisted that Germany undergo to prevent the further destruction of French land and culture (Bachman848). “Germanys standing army was reduced to 100,000 soldiers with no arial, seafaring or heavy support whatsoever.” (Backman 955) Additionally, many territories and national holdings Germany had possessed by the end of the war, for example its colonies, were stripped away and divvied up between the major allied powers. Worst of all, the treaty of Versailles forced Germany to accept almost all responsibility for the start of the war and for all damage done to the allied nations during the war (Backman, 944). It is clear that Many of the punishments inflicted onto Germany did not sit well with the majority of the allied powers, and many more of Frances punishments were rejected completely. In the end, the Peace of Paris was unfair even for the destruction and death caused by the central powers. The Treaty of Versailles appalled Germany and still left France feeling unsure of its safety and its ally’s loyalty (Backman, 945)

First two questions:

1.Describe the career of Desiderius Eramus and the emergence of Christian humanism. Explain the similarities and differences between humanism and Christian humanism. 30 pts

2. How did the Thirty Years’ War begin as a religious war in Germany and end as an international struggle? In the aftermath of the Peace of Westphalia, who were the greatest winners and losers? 30 pts


Terms/topics (10 points each) you must NUMBER EACH. Each response must be at least 6-8 sentences. !!! You must cite page number(s) you found information in textbook- you are paraphrasing – putting answers in your own words. And include page number where you found the information.

Same thing with the paraphrasing for these 4 identifications. Cite everything you got from the textbook after each sentence.


1. English Peasants Revolt

2. Black Death

3. Catholic reform and the Council of Trent

4. Columbian Exchange

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If you have any questions please reach out. Thanks.