Identify, specifically, the strengths of your topic-what some weaknesses are

Performance Interviews (Employee/Employer as it relates to employee performance and the organization)

Topic is Performance Interviews as it relates to Human Employee/Employer/Managers/Resource planning and overall performance and engagement.

Request is for Outline + Research Paper.

For this paper, you will discuss Performance Interviews. Be creative.Of necessity, the instructions for this assignment are somewhat vague. Explore different resources and develop an individual approach to the subject. The goal is a brief but detailed exploration of some narrowly defined aspect of Performance interview practice.

Identify, specifically, the strengths of your topic and what some weaknesses are. Drawing on various sources, explain the details of your topic.Why is it important? What have you learned? What are the Pro’s and Con’s? When would this be used? What is the history on this topic?

This should be an Informative paper demonstrating your understanding of the subject, simply reflecting what information is out there. The more specific the better, and feel free to include examples that will strengthen your writing.

Be sure to use APA style citations and include a reference slide. MUST BE ABLE TO ACCESS REFERENCES USED SO PLEASE INCLUDE LINKS THAT WORK AND CAN BE VIEWED.

I. Introduction

A. Capture reader’s interest

B. Descriptions and definitions of traditional performance interviews used by HR within organizations

C. Examples

II. Body Section One

A. Performance Interviews Cause, Effect, Repercussions

B. Potential problems, pitfalls, stagnation, lack of growth and forward movement

1. Examples, history, stories, facts, figures

III. Body Section Two

A. How Perofmrnance Interviews contribute to Individual. Group, and Organizational Planning, Goals

B. Discovering, Creating, and Implementing Solutions

1. Evaluation and Needs Assessment

2. Development

3. Training

4. Feedback

5. Implementation

6. Evolution and Growth

IV. Body Section Three

A. How Performance Interviews can translate to SWOT Analysis and Interpretations

B. Strengths

C. Weaknesses

D. Opportunities

E. Threats

V. Conclusion

A. Pulling it all together and summarize

B. Hope for the future and implications of a Covid-19 workforce

VI. Citations and References