Discuss anything new that you learned from this reading-something that you found interesting that will inform your practice.

What do people get addicted to?

In the reading “Stimulants and Depressants” the author addresses myths that exist about substances and addiction.

Discuss anything new that you learned from this reading or something that you found interesting that will inform your practice.

Are there certain substances that are more likely to lead to physiological dependence vs psychological dependence?

Discuss your level of comfort as a counselor in addressing a client who is consuming alcohol while on medication that indicates alcohol is contraindicated. How specifically might you address it? What about with a client who is pregnant?

Watch the youtube video from Dr. Patrick Carnes in the Lecture folder and discuss your reactions.

Also, after watching the video and reading the ppt’s and readings, what are your thoughts/opinions/beliefs about substance vs non-substance addictions? Did you learn anything new from the readings, ppt, or video? Discuss any experience you have treating someone with a behavioral addiction.