Discuss the lexicon thought experiment as presented in class-Which realm of cognition does it belong to-What were the procedures used-what do the results tell us about the way we store vocabulary knowledge?

Cognitive development

Summarize your understanding of the field of cognitive development as discussed in lecture 1. Include a definition and BRIEF example for each of the cognitive realms that we study. What makes this course different from a general cognitive psycholgoy class?

Discuss the lexicon thought experiment as presented in class. Which realm of cognition does it belong to? What were the procedures used and what do the results tell us about the way we store vocabulary knowledge? Show me YOUR results from this portion of lecture, and use YOUR resutls as an example when you discuss the implication of the results of this experiment.

Discuss the span task experiment as presented in class. Which realm of cognition does it belong to? What were the procedures used and what do the results tell us about our ability in this realm? What is the magic number (statistic) associated with the results of this task and what does it mean? Discuss YOUR results from this portion of lecture, and use YOUR resutls as an example when you discuss the implication of the results of this experiment.

Who was Geoffrey Sax, what did he study, what was the method he used, what did he find, and what is the significance of covering his work in a cognitive development course?

Here are your options for extra credit. Choose one!

Describe the many ways we can measure visual perceptual abilities in infants, noting the results of at least two experiments discussed in class.Include a clear description of the visual perceptual abilities that are being measured (D.V.), as well as a clear understanding of the manipulation used in the experiment (I.V.) in your answer.

Describe the research of Dr. Amanda Woodward as presented in class. What was she interested in examining when testing the young children who were asked to new words for objects? What were the procedures she used to test the young children? What do the different performances of children at different age ranges that she tested tell us about the development of language? Does the same thing apply to children who are deaf?

Describe the research of Dr. Patricia Khul as presented in class. What was she interested in examining when looking at the performance of infants who were and were not exposed to secondary languages early in life? What were the procedures she used to test the infants and what were the crucial findings in relationship to when we become culture bound listeners (what does that mean)?