What are your views about how changes within the industry will impact you-your career? Would you want to work in the industry-If so, why-why not?

Management Report

Instructions for Summative Assessment

Your assessment for this module takes the form of a 3,500 word management report.

You are required to prepare a management report that applies horizon scanning techniques (trends, data analysis, sources and critical thinking) to examine an industry of your choice. You will need to identify the relevant contemporary issues that affect that industry. Use the following subheadings for your report.

Section 1 – Introduction (10%)

Describe the industry and what is happening within it. For example, is the industry expanding or contracting, what are its biggest challenges, are there any new entrants etc.

Draw on sources from your Horizon Scanning Tracker.

Section 2 – Technology enablers and innovations (25%)

Identify which enabling technologies and innovations are making more impact on your industry. Why is this happening?

Draw on thought leadership articles/ reports from companies like IBM, Deloitte, McKinsey and ensure they are included your Horizon Scanning Tracker.

Section 3 – Analyse the industry through three lenses discussed in class (40%)

Future of consumption

Future of enterprise

Future of work

In each section, draw on the research discussed in the module. Use concrete examples of relevant companies to explore how companies are reacting to issues.

You must include your Horizon Scanning Tracker in your appendix to evidence sources. You should include an evaluation of those sources.

Section 4 – Your views (10%)

What are your views about how changes within the industry will impact you and your career? Would you want to work in the industry? If so, why or why not?

Given what you know, what is the contribution you could make to your chosen industry?