What individual-group of people, in contemporary society, would you consider to be a modern-day Sophist?



Consider the readings from the text about the Sophists.  What individual or group of people, in contemporary society, would you consider to be a modern-day Sophist?  This is not just your “opinion;” rather, it should be based on the theory about sophistry from class information.  One idea is to set forth characteristics/philosophies (that you choose, not all of them) of sophists and explain why the person(s) you chose fits that.  The focus of this post should be

a) your explanation of sophistry and

b) your example of a contemporary sophists

c) your evidence that b) illustrates a).

The following text-based resources have been selected to support your success on your short response.Use these sources in your response and include in text citations, APA style.

Chapter 2

Murphy, James J., et al. A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric. 4th ed.  Routledge, 2013

Glenn, “The Greek Rhetorical Tradition

Pages 33-44

Gorgias’ Econmium to Helen

Pages 233-236 in Murphy

In Murphy, James J., et al. A Synoptic History of Classical Rhetoric.4th  Routledge, 2013

Isocrates, Against the Sophists 

In Bizzel, Patricia et al.  The Rhetorical Tradition: Readings From Classical Times to the Present.  3rd ed.  Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2020.