How does Grint show that what counts as “work” is a socially constructed concept that is defined through culture?

Main Question,write one paragraph for this discussion
Why are Americans quitting their jobs in record numbers? Why the “Big Quit”? And what about “Tang Ping”?

Read for Tang Ping Question
(Links to an external site.)

Watch for Why are Americans quitting their jobs in record numbers?

For the following questions

Elaborate on each question and provide at least one paragraph, thank you.
Darrell M. West, The Future of Work, READ CHAPTER 1 – Robots
Grint, Keith & Nixon, Darren, The Sociology of Work, 4th edition, Polity Press, Malden, 2015, What is Work? READ PAGES 6-17

Darrell M. West

1-How are today’s robots different from previous generations of machines and computers?
2-In the aftermath of this technological revolution, what dangers does West see for society/workers in the near future?

Keith Grint

(This text is a little challenging and contains many difficult words and expressions. Look them up online. It is more important to understand what Grint says in general rather than every single detail.)
3-What are some considerations and challenges when we try to define “work” according to K. Grint?
4-How is work different from leisure? How is employment related to work?
5-How does Grint show that what counts as “work” is a socially constructed concept that is defined through culture?