What is the role of BIM in enhancing collaboration in construction projects in general?

Assess the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the production of accurate structural design information and the collaborative environment of structural design

Things to consider when carrying out this research:

• Introduction:
o What is BIM?don’t do it. It was already written.
o What is the role of BIM in enhancing collaboration in construction projects in general?

• Main Body: BIM & structural design

o The use of BIM in producing accurate structural design information.
o The differences between traditional methods and a BIM-enabled process to produce structural design information in a collaborative environment.
o The impact of using BIM in the production of structural design information on cost and time of construction projects.
o A real-life example of a project that used BIM in the structural design process.

• Conclusion:
o based on your research, what are the benefits and challenges of using BIM in structural design?
o how do you think BIM may influence your future choices in your professional career as a structural design engineer?