What solutions does your discipline (propose-recommend) for the ‘problem of disability’?  

Barriers to sexual and reproductive health care for disabled people (or a particular subgroup – disabled LGBTQ youth, women with intellectual disabilities requiring OB/GYN care etc)

Describe a disability related situation or issue that is relevant to your discipline (nursing).Note you may not do a case study for this paper.

The point of this paper is to not look at personal or individual circumstances but to look more broadly and to be consistent with a Disability Studies  analysis. In other words, while you are welcome to use specific examples to support your argument, this paper should not be written as an autobiography. keep your focus and scope somewhat narrow; i.e. do not write generally about inclusion.

Provide examples to illustrate your disability problem but not too much that your paper becomes merely descriptive and is not analytical.
The following questions will assist you as you move through the course and will frame your final
● How does my discipline define the ‘problem of disability’?  Where does the problem lie?
What is causing the problem? (e.g. a medical problem, a problem in the self-control of
the individual, a policy problem, a problem of limited resources, poor professional training, poor therapies and so forth).
● What solutions does your discipline (propose or recommend) for the ‘problem of disability’?
● How is/are your discipline’s proposal(s)/recommendation(s) similar or different from
how the course materials (readings/videos/podcasts) define the problem of disability?
● How do the course materials (readings/videos/podcasts) help you see the problem of disability differently?  What is good about this?  Are there any problems with this?

Important: Provide evidence to back up your statements, especially from your discipline. Include quotations from key texts from your discipline; instruction videos/podcasts; art works, educational materials, trade journals, media representations, academic papers and so forth.

When writing your final paper refer back to the evaluation criteria (below) often to ensure that  you are on the right track.  If in doubt, contact me