What are some of the strategies you have used to help you learn-be successful in this course so far?

Reflective Journal 2

For this assignment, recall those goals you discussed in your first reflective journal and reflect on the following prompts:

What are some of the strategies you have used to help you learn and be successful in this course so far?
What could you do for the rest of the session to help you learn more effectively?
Course Materials & Activities:
What activities and materials have provided that you have found most useful in helping you learn and be successful in this course?
What activities and materials have provided that you have found least useful in helping you learn and be successful in this course?
Concerns & Stressors:
Do you have concerns about class? What are they? If you would like to meet with Dr. C-L to discuss these concerns?, please reach out via your ASU email, and she will set up a Zoom meeting
On a scale of 1-5 with 1 being equal to no stress and 5 being equal to overwhelmed with stress, where do you rate your stress-level today?
Is there anything else (course-related) you want me to know?
Be sure to use APA formatting for this assignment: