What were the intellectual debates/local or global policies/programmes that were taking place around the time of the author’s writing-the time or topic that they are writing about?

The Third World in Global Development

Using the reading Escobar, A. 1995. Encountering Development: The Making and Unmaking of the Third World. Princeton: Princeton University Press Analyse Chapter 1 ONLY and:

1. Explain the argument of the piece. (1 slide)

2. What were the intellectual debates/local or global policies/programmes that were taking place around the time of the author’s writing or the time or topic that they are writing about? (2 slides)

3. What supporting evidence does the author present for this argument? (2 slides)

4. Is this argument or writing relevant today? Explain your response. (1 slide)

5.Give one suggestion for addressing the problem or intervening in the debate that the author is focussed on that is suitable for the 21st century Caribbean, for the region or a specific country. (1 slide)