What could they have done to avoid/lower the fallout from moving the currency from a peg to float?

Global econommics

Suppose it is January 30, 2015, two weeks after the Swiss National Bank’s announcement that the Swiss Franc’s peg has been discontinued. You are a business consultant who is hired by the Swatch group. Prepare a report that addresses the following:

Why was the peg put in place? Why has it been discontinued?

What is (are) the problem(s) that the Swatch group now faces?

What could they have done to avoid/lower the fallout from moving the currency from a peg to float?

Suggest two (2) strategies the Swatch group can use as it looks ahead.

Be sure to describe the strengths, weaknesses, and feasibility of the potential solutions

The use of economic graphs is highly encouraged and will constitute up to five percent of the total points of this assignment.

Note: the graph can be hand drawn on a piece of paper. Be sure to label the axes and curves appropriately. You can take a picture and email it to yourself, then paste the picture into your report as an appendix. Save the document as a PDF and submit via Bb.