provide a brief description of the article making the relevancy to your literature review topic clear.

Literature Review

TOPIC: Psychological effects/factors in infant (0-24 months) immunization.


Expectations for the summary and annotated references assignment: For this assignment each
student is expected to submit:
1. A paragraph long summary of the topic of your individual literature review. Using the example above of Pregnancy During a Pandemic, perhaps decide that going to focus on whether the fetus is at risk for being infected by Covid.would write a brief, 1- paragraph, summary indicating that this will be the topic of literature review.

Pregnancy is stressful, to say the least, but COVID-19 brings new challenges to parents of newborns. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has identified pregnant women as a vulnerable population.

If infected, they are more likely to be hospitalized and require ventilation and their risk of preterm birth goes up. One concern pregnant people have is if they become infected will the development of their fetus become infected.

For literature review, plan to investigate whether a developing fetus is at risk for being infected with COVID-19 and if so, what are the implications.

2. An annotated reference list with at least 4 current (with in the last 12 years) peer-reviewed articles. Articles must be in APA style, following the guidelines of the most current version of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Annotation should provide a brief description of the article making the relevancy to your literature review topic clear.