What is the difference between the culture of a particular church-a church that reflects the culture in which it lives?

Assignment 4b: Church Culture Discussion


We are often unaware of what we communicate organizationally. We could have the best intentions, solid theology, and a great plan, yet miss the mark. In your readings, you will look at values and the impact they have organizationally. As you read, reflect on your ministry’s/organization’s values. Are those values expressed explicitly within the ministry or organization?

Example: A church might have the following as a value statement – “We are committed to reach all people with the Gospel.” However, when one looks at the demographics of the church compared to the demographics of their community, the numbers are dissimilar.

What is the difference between the culture of a particular church and a church that reflects the culture in which it lives?
Does a church need to change its culture to reach the lost?
What, if any, are the theological implications of making that change?
Initial post due by Wednesday of Week Seven. Write a 300-word post discussing the above questions. Be sure to include information from texts and cite appropriately.