Discuss how article findings are generalizable to your client population-What you will do differently (if this is the case) to better serve your clients.

Research Paper

The point of this paper is to find and complete a review of 2 articles from peer-reviewed journals that tested a particular intervention for the issue your clients experience to improve your practice. (6 pages + cover page + references page)

In your paper you will have 3 sections:

Section I. Introduction (1-1.5 pages):

Briefly describe what your agency does to help its clients and your role is in that helping process.

Choose and describe a problem / issue that keeps coming up at your agency and needs a better intervention. This may be violence, truancy, high dropout rate, low grades, ADHD in school students, depression, addiction, family reunification, early / unplanned pregnancy, etc.

At the end of the introduction section, list your research question. An example of research question may be, “What are evidence-based interventions for young adults with schizophrenia?” “What are best practices to help homeless mothers?” “What is the effectiveness of the 12-step program for substance users?,” or “How to prevent truancy in middle school?”

Section II. Summarize 2 articles (2 pages each)

Find 2 articles from peer-reviewed journals published within 7 years that tested an intervention to resolve your client’s issue at Rutgers Libraries https://rutgers.primo.exlibrisgroup.com/discovery/search?vid=01RUT_INST:01RUT&lang=en (Links to an external site.)

In your summary of each article, be sure to answer the following questions:

Population (age, gender, ethnicity, economic status, urban / rural population) and study size;
What intervention was studied, when, and for how long.
What research design was used (qualitative, quantitative, longitudinal / short term, randomized / control groups, ABA, case study, meta-analysis, etc.).
Describe method of study (questionnaire, interview, 10 weeks of therapy, focus groups, etc.).

Describe research findings listed in the article (include statistics);
Limitations of the study.

Section III. Conclusion (1 page):

Discuss how article findings are generalizable to your client population and
What you will do differently (if this is the case) to better serve your clients.

Ensure APA format (Times New Roman 12 font, margins 1 inch on every side, page numbers, running head, title page, no contractions, all numbers under 100 spelled out, etc.