How comfortable would you feel utilizing the techniques that the author used (why-why not)?

Counseling Latinos

A) To answer your selected question, read chapter 3 (CBT, under Course Content) in its entirety. It may be helpful to read this chapter several times before submitting your answer, particularly the case study (pp. 82-94). Remember to submit only one post that appropriately integrates your reflections, thoughts, opinion, and review of the literature.

QUESTION:Explain the “Yes, but” technique.

B) After you answer your selected question above, in the same original post answer the following questions: Imagine that Mr. Lopez is your client. How comfortable would you feel utilizing the techniques that the author used (and why or why not)? Think about your own culture, race, and gender and write about the impact that those factors could have in your relationship with Mr. Lopez.Elaborate on how you would build a strong counseling relationship with Mr. Lopez and what counseling techniques would you use (be specific).