Do you think that turning in an assignment-paper that was not your original work is wrong? Yes No

1. Choose your variable(s) and identify a research question (Must be Bivariate Quantitative Data)
2. Devise a plan to collect your data

1. a) Collect and organize data
2. b) Conduct the appropriate analysis
3. c) Write your results in a report

Part 1

a) State the research question you have chosen.
b) Specify the population(s) that will be represented in your study.
c) Identify the variable(s) that you will collect, including how they will be measured.

Part 2

Describe your plan for collecting the necessary data. This should include:
a) A description of where you will obtain your data (website, physical location, etc.)
b) A sampling strategy
c) A copy of your survey if you intend to use one

5. Describe your plan for analyzing the data you collect.

Example of A Typical Project:
Purpose Statement: We want to find out about students’ attitudes about cheating.
Population: College students
1. Have you ever cheated on a test in college? Yes No
2. Do you think that turning in an assignment or paper that was not your original work is wrong? Yes No
3. What is your GPA?
4. How many hours a week do you spend studying?