What are your specific predictions/hypotheses e.g.what do you expect the findings of your study to be)?

W2: Research Methods

Imagine you are going to conduct research investigating a human behavior that you
would be interested in learning more about. Be sure to describe that topic so
that vour classmates know what vour research questions are and so that they can
better understand your study.

What are your specific predictions/hypotheses (e.g.what do you expect the findings of your study to be)?
Select a scientific method for this psychological research. Although in the “real
world,” researchers may combine methods or use one or more methods, choose
only ONE research method for the purpose of this academic exercise.

Working with humans can create potential issues. List some of the strengths and weaknesses of this specific type of research. Identify potential ethical concerns in this research process.
Answers need to cover these questions and elaborate on key terms/concepts
reviewed in the lesson this week.