What is the libertarian argument for the existence of free will-Is the argument convincing-Is the argument’s premise true?


(Choose One Question to answer)

Be sure to explain your answers and give reasons for your views. You should cite the textbook and use brief quotations and summaries from the textbook in your response.

1. What is the libertarian argument for the existence of free will? Is the argument convincing? Is the argument’s premise true?

2. Is the hypothetical interpretation of “could do otherwise” plausible? Is it what we usually mean when we say we could have done otherwise? Explain.

3. Is our experience of choosing and acting good evidence for free will? Is it at least as strong as the evidence for physical objects? Explain.

4. What is Taylor’s argument for agent causation? Is it cogent? Why or why not?

5. What are the three claims that libertarians must advance to make their theory believable? Do you accept each of these? Explain why you do or do not

accept them.

6. Which seems most likely to you: that your path in life is determined before you are born, or that you are born and then you determine how your life will go? Why? Is there a middle ground on this issue?

7. Is Sartre right about free will being the main factor that determines who you are- or do such things as genetics and society have the greatest impact on how you turn out?

8. What is your reaction to Sartre’s perspective on freedom? Do you find his view liberating and inspiring, or do you think it is disheartening and forlorn?

9. In other writings, Sartre says that it is impossible for self-conscious beings like us not to have free will. Why do you think Sartre would believe this? Is he right?

10. How would a compatibilist respond to Sartre’s ideas? How would a libertarian respond?