What other relevant elements will you ask IT to include in the audit trail?

Discussion Board Topic -EHR Audit Trails: Review Case Studies 2.3 and 2.6 in your Case Study Textbook.
Then answer the following questions for each case study:

Case Study 2.3

What other relevant elements will you ask IT to include in the audit trail?

Case Study 2.6

Based on the audit trail, formulate an opinion on whether or not each of these employees may have violated the privacy policy. Support your decision.
Propose the next steps to take if there was a concern that one or more the employees violated the privacy policy.

Discussion Board Guidelines: Post an answer to the question in the topic to the discussion board. Your original post must be at least 250 words and two cited sources textbook can be one

Foltz, D. & Lankisch, K. (2018). Exploring electronic health records, 2nd edition