Explain to students that they are going to learn how to make a Preview Map of a text- book page.

Non-Fiction Standards

Teaching the Strategy of Preview Maps

Step 1: Show a copy or transparency of the chapter opener (Figure 6.1). Ask students to note the main features on this page. Provide a model by pointing out the heading across the top under the section title. Help students see that headings, subheads, graphs, charts, photos,cartoons, maps, and special boxes of texts are all features they should notice.

Step 2: Explain to students that they are going to learn how to make a Preview Map of a text- book page. Show a copy of the Preview Map (Figure 6.2) of the chapter opener. Point out to students how this drawing represents the textbook page just seen.
Step 3: Point out that all the headings in bold print on the chapter opener are rewritten as questions on the Preview Map. For example, the heading “The Stirrings of Rebellion” becomes “What were the stirrings of rebellion?” Draw lines between sections of text.