Describe the supply chain design that the organization uses to achieve its overall strategic fit

Choose a publicly traded company. Two students cannot have the same topic.Choose your company by the second week of class. Some recommendations are listed below.


Describe your organization of choice and give a brief history (not more than a paragragh)

Topics for body of paper:

Describe the supply chain design that the organization uses to achieve its overall strategic fit

Supply chain network designs that are used

Forecasting Methods utilized

Sourcing and Transportation Methods.

Use of technology for its supply chain operations.

Analysis of pricing schemes used and supply chain designs that may be appropriate.

Sustainability methods that the organization plans for long term growth.

Some Options if you like to choose:
Home Depot Nike Spirit
JC Penny Blue Nile Costco
Sephora Mc Donald’s Unilever
Toyota Coca-Cola Sam’s Club
Dell Samsung Zara

The intent of paper is to promote examination of viewpoints and interchange of opinions between students on Supply Chain . Each student will prepare a 5-8-minute overview of his/her paper and a power point present.

Students will be able to use whatever props necessary (within reason) and will be responsible for removing props immediately following his or her presentation. It goes without saying that students are expected to do their own work and/or give appropriate credit where another’s work has been used.