Described the purpose of a DSM to diagnose abnormality-the problems associated with its use

Medical Psychopathology in Society

1. Discuss the problems inherent in defining psychopathology

1.1 Critically explained the difficulties of defining Psychopathology

1.2 Evaluated the four models of abnormality

1.3 Described the purpose of a DSM to diagnose abnormality and the problems associated with its use
2. Discussed the clinical characteristics and explanations of one disorder.

2.1 explained the clinical characteristics of two disorders from anxiety disorders,
schizophrenia,depression or eating disorders

2.2 outlined at least one biological and one psychological explanation for each
of the chosen disorders

2.3 evaluated at least one biological and one psychological  explanation of each of
the chosen disorders using research evidence

3. Critically examine the influence of society and culture on mental ill-health

3.1 Explained and analysed three factors in society that influence mental ill-health and explain their impact

4. Evaluate approaches to treating/managing mental ill-health

4.1 evaluated current approaches to treating and managing mental ill health including in patient and community provision

4.2 described and evaluated at least one treatment for each of the disorders outlined
in 2.1

Task 1:

Describe and evaluate the four models of abnormality with reference to the problems with diagnosing psychopathology. Describe the use of the DSM to diagnose abnormality and the problems associated with its use. (800 words)

Task 2:

Outline the symptoms of schizophrenia and either one anxiety disorder or depression. Describe and evaluate one biological and one psychological cause of
schizophrenia and either one anxiety disorder or depression. (800 words).

Task 3:

You must then describe and evaluate one treatment of each of the disorders you
have described. (400 words).

Task 4:

Analyse three factors in society that influence mental ill-health and explain their impact. You must then evaluate current approaches to treating and managing mental ill health including impatient and community provision. (500 words).

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