What part does truth play in leadership-What happens when YOU are the toxic leader-How do we recognize the problem when the problem is us?

Leadership perspective

OPTIONAL Discussion for EXTRA Credit –

https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/ten-facts-about-washington-slavery/ (Links to an external site.)

https://www.nps.gov/articles/harriet-tubman-and-the-underground-railroad.htm (Links to an external site.)

https://www.mountvernon.org/george-washington/slavery/slavery-and-washingtons-presidency/ (Links to an external site.)

Thus far, we have discussed motivation, power, ethics, and success as they all relate to leader effectiveness.  Now, let’s talk about truth and the very hard decisions that are always going to be part of leadership.

One of our most well respected leaders, President George Washington, made a hard decision to get our Constitution ratified.  He signed two pieces of legislation that supported slavery into being (Ellis, 2015; Mount Vernon.org, 2021).

Read the three pieces found in the links above before beginning your discussion, because this helps you to think critically through your approach to the discussion.

Because this board is summative, your answer is lengthy and well developed, and will include 3 questions to other students rather than simple comments.

Thinking through the dilemma that we see in this week’s readings, tie our term materials together toward improving leadership. What part does truth play in leadership?  What happens when YOU are the toxic leader? How do we recognize the problem when the problem is us? How does the use of media, and especially social media, impact truth as it relates to leadership? Is there such a thing as too much truth? More than that, is there such a thing as universal truth, especially as it relates to leadership?

As you look back over the term, what are the lessons that you believe will contribute to your improved leadership? What pieces, specifically, will you put in place to keep you grounded and worthy of leading? If you had a mission and vision to guide your leadership, what would they be?

How did the discussion boards and other readings contribute to your personal leadership? Did you perceive change in yourself? How will you sustain that change? Tie it all together to explain the lessons that stick with you as you complete your last paper and prepare to complete the course. Tell us about Leadership.